10 Google Chrome Hacks to Boost Efficiency

BENGALURU: The internet drives the hottest stocks on the Wall Street, shapes technological innovations and has become an integral part of our culture. It has changed the way we live and has created new ways for people to communicate and share information of a social nature. Communication is the most important factor shaping human history and our existence would be meaningless without the ability to communicate effectively. In today’s world everything is connected and we spend lots of time on the internet. With so much of time spent on the internet we need to maximize the output and make time for the things that we love. There are a number of extensions that can help one save time and enrich the browsing experience. Given below is a list of 10 apps that will help you streamline your browsing experience and free up your time.

1. Grammarly:

It’s an everyday experience for everyone when we suddenly become aware of a typographical error after sending an email. Grammarly works as a Grammar vigilante. It checks for spelling mistakes and eventually improves the quality of writing. It’s not just for Gmail but also works great on social media.

2. Simple Blocker:

Simple Blocker is a great extension for anyone who gets easily distracted by the things going around him and has a penchant for Facebook or Twitter. This extension allows one to block access to certain domains for a certain period of time (say 9 a.m. to 5p.m.) and gives you the freedom to concentrate on your work. Primarily, it was designed for students, but essentially it proves useful for everyone.

3. One Tab:

One Tab is a life saver for anyone who keeps a lot of tabs open at the same time. If it is overwhelming to have so many tabs open, then One Tab will take them and turn into a list, organized by date. It also frees up the computer memory.

4. Todoist:

Todoist is one of the most popular tools among the online community. It works across mobiles, tablets and desktops and helps in making sure that all tasks are done. The chrome extension lets you manage these straight from the toolbar, and adds functions like being able to save different pages as individual tasks. It has also got Gmail integration, which means you can push emails directly in your to-do list.

5. Google Similar Pages:

Google similar pages is the quickest and the easiest way to find the right website. The extension puts a little dropdown that helps you search similar pages without having to revert back to Google and search. This is quite useful when you are doing research or the site you jumped to wasn’t quite right. Just click on the extension icon and your browser will send a search query to Google to see which other pages match the one you’re viewing.

6. TimeStats:

TimeStats is nothing but an extension that gives the statistics about how you spend time on the internet. Once you download it, it can give you a monthly or daily breakdown depending on your priority. It notifies you about the time you were the busiest and also the total time you have had spent on the net.

7. StayFocusd:

This is one of the most popular extensions on Google Chrome. This is a brilliant extension for people who have a small attention span and are prone to distractions. It allows you to spend a determined amount of time to spend on websites like Facebook, Twitter or 9gag. You can configure your account to block entire sites and specific sub-domains or even specific in page content like videos and much more.

8. Chrome Remote Desktop:

Chrome Remote Desktop gives you the opportunity to access other computers from your own and vice versa. It is also an easy way to share screen with someone else. If you have got the Chrome Remote Desktop extension installed, you can install the free iOS app and control your computer from your iPhone or iPad with ease.

9. Pocket:

Pocket is an easy way to save an article on your mobile, tablet or computer and access it when you have the time. You can access this from any of your devices. Just don’t lose track of the interesting things you find by emailing links or letting tabs pile up in your browser. Just save them to your pocket.

10. Chrome to Mobile:

Chrome to Mobile is an easy way to take home, whatever you’re working on at office, with you. The extension indues you to take live web pages with you and work on-the-go by replicating your desktop browser experience on the smartphones. Added benefit is, it works offline too.

Resource By:- http://www.techgig.com/tech-news/editors-pick/10-Google-Chrome-Hacks-to-Boost-Efficiency-42390


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    This largely depends on the type of business and its social media goals. Facebook has the largest audience and the most room to customize your social media marketing. Twitter is the best for receiving feedback from and directly engaging with customers. Pinterest is ideal for small and niche businesses that can market directly on the site. YouTube is arguably the best social media platform for driving traffic to other websites, such as a company landing page where customers can make purchases. Minimum age: 13 yearsTikTok is social media app that specializes in sharing letting users watch, create, and share short-form videos. TikTok defaults accounts to private and users must approve followers and comments. Parents can link their accounts to their teen’s to enable privacy settings. As you can see, all social media accounts have loopholes when it comes to data privacy breaches and other malicious ways. Therefore, it is up to you, the user, to stay vigilant and keep criminals at bay by applying the necessary steps towards strengthening the security of your account. You don’t have to be a rigid social media account user, but by just following these simple steps, you will minimize the risk of exposing your sensitive data via social media.
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    There are 640 Bungalow Homes currently for sale in Georgia. They were met halfway by houses whose blueprints and floor plans were published by New York-based interior designer Gustav Stickley in his magazine The Craftsman. A big advocate of the Arts and Crafts movement, with its simple, artisanal aesthetics, Stickley also dubbed his homes “bungalows,” proposing them as regular, full-time residences. Live effortlessly at Vida Lakewood Ranch – where luxury lifestyle meets modern living. Our spacious units include high-end finishes, and our community boasts a range of resident-focused amenities, from a sparkling pool to our pet-friendly two dog parks and state-of-the-art fitness center and clubhouse. With impressive finishes and resort quality amenities, our apartments make it possible to live beyond your expectations.
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    THESIS STATEMENT CREATOR , or the THESIS GENERATOR  We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial. We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback. Unless you plan to go for a Ph.D. in history, a thesis will be the most significant academic writing of your life. It shows your in-depth knowledge of a subject, your ability to think logically, creatively, and originally. Besides, it’s a great way to demonstrate how good your writing is.

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    Company Number 8718734 | Registered in England© Football Web Pages Ltd 2023 Everton will play the next match against Brentford on Mar 11, 2023, 3:00:00 PM UTC in Premier League. The new date and times of the fixtures:- Nottingham Forest kept the gap between themselves and the bottom three at four points with their 2-2 draw against Everton on Sunday. Allianz Field, Minnesota will host the pre-season friendly match between Everton and Minnesota United on July 20. These are the details about the pre-season tour and match fixtures of Everton. Any change in the schedule will be available here. The complete pre-season schedule of English Premier League also revealed. Everton’s festive fixture schedule: Injuries to key players have exposed their squad and, after heavy defeats to the likes of Liverpool, Everton and Tottenham, Marcelo Bielsa was sacked and replaced by Jesse Marsch.
    At $4.99 per month, NFL+ offers streaming of live NFL games in local markets for mobile and tablet devices only. A premium subscription goes for $9.99 per month and offers ad-free replays for all connected devices, including laptops, game consoles and media players like Apple TV and Google’s Chromecast. Moran told Forbes the league wanted to “reignite” its direct-to-consumer ecosystem and further prepare for “the next evolution of the business” as consumers are using connected devices for streaming services while dropping cable providers. “There’s a way to do direct-to-consumer differently,” Moran said. “I think it’s on us to challenge ourselves and push our own envelope.” NFL Mobile is available on many smartphones from Verizon Wireless, including DROID 3 and DROID PRO by Motorola. All Verizon Wireless smartphones require a data package. Data usage applies to the download and use of NFL Mobile.

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    Bienvenue sur notre blog, votre destination ultime pour les infos sur les stars africaines du monde des mediums et des emissions de tele-realite https://mediaeventhub.africa/palesa-madisakwane-actrice-et-star-de-real.html ! Des mouvements recents dans l’industrie du spectacle africain aux bruits les plus interessants sur les vedettes, nous vous tenons au courant de toutes les aventures fascinantes a travers le territoire. Par exemple, des cooperations artistiques pertinentes, de instants intenses dans les emissions de tele-realite, ou de parcours personnels emouvants de vos stars preferees, nous surveillons tout. La scene du show business en Afrique deborde de talents, et notre blog est la pour vous approcher des figures qui redefinissent l’industrie.

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    Notre blog valorise egalement les figures mediatiques et les nouvelles figures qui se demarquent en Afrique. Des interpretes doues aux presentateurs influents, en sans oublier les stars du web sur les medias sociaux, nous applaudissons les performances de ceux qui changent le divertissement sur le terrain. Nous parlons de recompenses gagnees dans les productions de Nollywood, des roles revolutionnaires dans des fictions mondiales ou des declarations audacieuses dans des videos musicales, nous vous presentons des interviews exclusives et des anecdotes liees a la notoriete. Vous trouverez des focus de legendes africaines comme Lupita Nyong’o, qui ont non seulement gagne les spectateurs du continent, mais aussi obtenu une notoriete internationale.

    Restez connectes avec nous pour les infos de derniere minute et mises a jour exclusives sur vos idoles du continent. Notre blog est un espace pour les fans de spectacle qui cherchent a etre au courant avec les polemiques de stars, les programmes recents et les mouvements artistiques qui faconnent l’industrie. Que vous soyez un fan passionne de la pop culture africaine ou un observateur des infos du showbiz, notre blog vous promet de vous tenir informe, rendre joyeux et stimule par le monde vibrant des canaux et spectacles de tele-realite en Afrique.

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